
The Four Women of Lineage

As we step into this holy time of Advent I always find it so comforting to know that long before Mary, before Joseph God was at work, making a way.

From the bosom of Abraham, a line was forming, winding its way through the generations. Children were being born to women, women carrying the lineage of men.

This line of lineage would make its way to Joseph the earthly father of our Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Within this line there are many women who carried this precious lineage, yet there are four who were called out by name.

Tamar, left to live life as an abandoned widow would refuse to give up. Redemption would find her as she carried the twins of Judah, from the tribe of the Lion.

Rahab, filled with bravery, would choose the God of Israel, and protect His people. She would come to know the redeemed life of a wife and carry the son of an Israelite.

Ruth, after a life of loss she would make her way to her Kinsman Redeemer and would be filled with the joy of new birth.

Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah who would also bare the consequence of King David’s sin, would know the heartache of losing her first born. Yet redemption would come, and she would carry one who would be called, the wisest of men, into the world.

The Four were outsiders, scorned, judged, and abandoned, yet they chose to press on. As they birthed their children, they did not know that they had stepped into the glorious line of lineage that would lead to the birth of our Savior- Jesus.


More than a Sparrow

I have found that writing my way through scripture has been the best Bible study.

For the first time I understand what David meant when he talked about meditating on God’s Word day and night.  When I’m working on a poem, based on a set of scriptures that’s exactly what happens. I’m thinking about them when I’m walking the dog, in the shower, when I’m laying in bed at night. This churning in my mind and in my heart.

What a gift the word of God is. 襁


The Cost

Some weeks it feels like I am crawling through the book of Matthew. My goal to write poems all the way through by the end of the year. I have found that slow is good.

Allowing God’s word to marinate in my heart and mind.

I love to imagine myself in the boat with Jesus and no matter what the wind and waves may do,what damage they may cause, with a word He stills them.

He stills me.



As I slowly read through Matthew Chapter 8 I look at the hopeful faith of the Leper, the Centurion, of Peter’s mother-in-law, of the many who waited to be healed. Who waited for a touch or a word from Jesus. May He find their faith in me. 🛐